Q30J_Urbi from miro2t on Vimeo.
Miro Tóth – alto and soprano sax., eletronics;
rbnx – electronics, vocals
Long long ago, back when the world was young – that is, somethime the year 1958 – a lot of artists and composers and other people who wanted to do beautiful things began to look at world around them in a new way.
They said: “Hey! Coffee cups can be more beautiful than fancy sculptures. A kiss in a morning can be more dramatic than a drama by Mr. Fancypants. The sloshing of my foot in my wet boot sounds more beautiful than fancy organ music.”
Ok. It..s 2008.
Ok. It..s 2008.
Ok. It..s 2008.
Ok. It..s 2008.
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-> Upcoming performances of Q30J666222