Location: XT3, Prague
- …about kraa!
- …lesom
- .soundscapes
- 1/x
- 777 Babalon
- 900piesek
- aidan zaal
- alexander platzner
- amen tma
- andrej danóczi
- angakkut
- ankramu
- atranenia
- Æ
- bios
- bolka
- bolka / krekovic
- bulkladung
- casi cada minuto
- charming assistant
- cloudsform
- cremaschi / matejka / toth
- daniel kordík
- daniel thoth (::.:)
- david kollar
- dominik suchy
- don@u.com
- doublefair
- drén
- dskg
- dunkeltherapie
- einleitungszeit
- ensemble 56
- ersatzteile
- etnoise orchestra
- feed the tiger
- filament clew
- fluff modulation
- frutti di mare
- hLukas
- hlukharsh
- Home
- ink midget
- j. b. kladivo
- jack jack
- jacques kustod
- jamka
- jonáš gruska
- julo fujak
- kapela snů
- lead
- lowii
- ľúbozvučné konvalinky
- marek piaček
- martin burlas
- melting
- metrom
- mio-mio
- miroslav toth
- mud woodstone
- musica falsa et ficta
- my live evil
- námestie republiky
- noise mortanna
- noitt
- noize konspiracy
- nuuttipukki
- obete sekty
- odpał
- omm
- over4tea
- palmovka
- phragments
- pink big pig
- pjoni
- poo
- prln
- psychedelic cirkus
- q30j666222
- rázsochy
- rbnx
- rentip
- ružoví kovboji
- samčo, brat dážďoviek
- sedem minút strachu
- sekatshi dobrotti
- shibuya motors
- sigi tobias
- škvíry & spoje
- slavo krekovic
- sound sleep
- strom noir
- T.R.I.v.M.
- teoria otrasu
- theatrum spirituum
- tittingur
- totalitny rezim
- touchscreen orchestra
- unbending intent
- uran uran
- urbanfailure
- urbsounds
- vapori del cuore
- voice over noise
- voodooman
- vritti
- vrtacky po desate hodine
- werkstatt im wald
- xtabay
- zelený antoin
- zwukovski
LABELS- 11 fingers records
- 4mg Records
- Ambsine Records
- Atrakt Art
- Black Orchid Productions
- Construct.Destroy.Colective
- Deadred Records
- Exitab
- Forum Absurdum
- Hevhetia
- Medialny institut
- Music Centre
- Noize Konspiracy
- Nomad Sky Diaries
- Proto Sites
- Real Music House
- Sky Burial
- Soun Records
- Triple Sun Records
- Urbsounds Label
- Už Bolo Dosť Productions
- Varovec Prodakšns
- …about kraa!
- Æ
- Home
- …lesom
- .soundscapes
- 1/x
- 777 Babalon
- 900piesek
- aidan zaal
- alexander platzner
- amen tma
- andrej danóczi
- angakkut
- ankramu
- atranenia
- bios
- bolka
- bolka / krekovic
- bulkladung
- casi cada minuto
- charming assistant
- cloudsform
- cremaschi / matejka / toth
- daniel kordík
- daniel thoth (::.:)
- david kollar
- dominik suchy
- don@u.com
- doublefair
- drén
- dskg
- dunkeltherapie
- einleitungszeit
- ensemble 56
- ersatzteile
- etnoise orchestra
- feed the tiger
- filament clew
- fluff modulation
- frutti di mare
- hLukas
- hlukharsh
- ink midget
- j. b. kladivo
- jack jack
- jacques kustod
- jamka
- jonáš gruska
- julo fujak
- kapela snů
- lead
- lowii
- ľúbozvučné konvalinky
- marek piaček
- martin burlas
- melting
- metrom
- mio-mio
- miroslav toth
- mud woodstone
- musica falsa et ficta
- my live evil
- námestie republiky
- noise mortanna
- noitt
- noize konspiracy
- nuuttipukki
- obete sekty
- odpał
- omm
- over4tea
- palmovka
- phragments
- pink big pig
- pjoni
- poo
- prln
- psychedelic cirkus
- q30j666222
- rázsochy
- rbnx
- rentip
- ružoví kovboji
- samčo, brat dážďoviek
- sedem minút strachu
- sekatshi dobrotti
- shibuya motors
- sigi tobias
- škvíry & spoje
- slavo krekovic
- sound sleep
- strom noir
- T.R.I.v.M.
- teoria otrasu
- theatrum spirituum
- tittingur
- totalitny rezim
- touchscreen orchestra
- unbending intent
- uran uran
- urbanfailure
- urbsounds
- vapori del cuore
- voice over noise
- voodooman
- vritti
- vrtacky po desate hodine
- werkstatt im wald
- xtabay
- zelený antoin
- zwukovski
- 11 fingers records
- 4mg Records
- Ambsine Records
- Atrakt Art
- Black Orchid Productions
- Construct.Destroy.Colective
- Deadred Records
- Exitab
- Forum Absurdum
- Hevhetia
- Medialny institut
- Music Centre
- Noize Konspiracy
- Nomad Sky Diaries
- Proto Sites
- Real Music House
- Sky Burial
- Soun Records
- Triple Sun Records
- Urbsounds Label
- Už Bolo Dosť Productions
- Varovec Prodakšns
– live: urbsounds collective | poo | rentip | urbanfailure | 1/x |
+ djs: iskra | rbnx | transgulky